Friday, August 22, 2008

Joel's First Prize Ribbon August 7, 2008

I am always late, however, my own Dad always had words of wisdom for me and one of those was "Better late than never". We have had a lot going on in the Kubicek Noodle Family.

Mom has been spending many hours in the early morning when the children are still asleep and then when the family goes to bed working on the LWML covention manual and to add to that I worked on a rummage sale, bake sale and car wash for the church for Saturday and then on that Sunday we had a farewell lunch for our interim Pastor that I worked on and helped plan and our Praise Team did the entertainment, so Mom's just been busy, by the end of September when the LWML Convention is over our lives will settle down into a normal routine. Okay Okay those of you that know me, know it will not be normal for most families, but it will be normal for this family and I promise to begin blogging a little more often.

NOW BACK to my important task blogging about one of my favorite people my son JOEL... Some of you are aware that we entered Joel in the Brevard County Homeschool Association Art Contest in July on August 7th they had the Art Exhibit and a Home School Show as well combined in Melbourne at a very huge Calvary Chapel Church. Joel placed 1st in his age category of 13 to 15 years group. We are so proud of him. He has had no formal art classes at all. They actually had two people that on art galleries from Melbourne come and judge the arts and crtique the art and they wrote up things for Joel to work on to help him with his art.

He was so cute in the beginning, because he has never won anything and didn't know what a ribbon was. He said "Mom it's just like paper, it really isn't anything." I said honey "money is only paper as well, but that's what you use to buy things with so it's worth something" then he understood" and when he saw the other ribbons said 2nd and 3rd place and others received nothing on their pictures he felt good about his own picture.

Of course this Mom is crowing...

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Congratulations Joel... I hope to see an exhibition one day...