Well Dear Son, Always forever in your life your birthday and your Gotcha day will be simultaenou, you will never be able to celebrate one without the other. We wanted this to be your special day and so we made it a very special weekend just for you. We started off with Dad taking Friday off to be with us and we went to Orlando to your favorite store the Chinese Food Market where you enjoy speaking Chinese to the elderly Chinese man there and of course Mom forgot to take you picture with him although I did get a couple of pictures of you in the Chinese Market. You then got to ride Star on Saturday morning and rather than go to a Disney Theme park you wanted all your friends (and you sweet boy have adults as your friends) over for Mom to cook a Chinese meal and that is what we did. We sure had a house full and I wouldn't change a thing. My life has been so blessed having you here and Dad and I can't remember when we have laughed so much. Why just the other day you made us laugh so much you brought tears to our eyes and my stomach began to hurt, with your story of being a snow boy. I'm sorry but I just have to repeat it here. Don't worry Hope get's her turn soon enough.
So Quantam Leap is back on reruns on TV, which is a favorite of Dad's, now a favorite of Joel's. Joel and John were watching it on TV and of course Joel is always confused by the leaps and why the character is jumping into someone elses body and why we see him on the TV as the same person but the people around him see him as someone else and why is he doing it. I go through the explanations each time. John sits and puts a stop as I explain each time. This time we are both laughing or should say trying not to laugh hysteriaclly.
The man leaps and becomes a pregnant woman. Joel says "Mom he leaped into a really fat tummy lady" why? I said honey she's not fat, she has a baby in her tummy. He said Mom, I'm sick. Why does she have a baby in her tummy? I said all babies come from their Mommies tummies? I said you and Hope came from your birth mommy's tummy as well. I DID NOT. I said yes honey, all people are born that way, that is the way God made us to be born. Not me, I came from the snow in a train station............... Don't you love it.
I love you my son, my funny one.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Joel... I followed your mum and dad when they went to get you and now I get to see you celebrating not only your birthdays but also your Gotcha Day... I hope it was a good one and that you enjoyed yourself... take care...
P.S... Loved the Snow story... hehehehe... to cute...
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